Tyrion lannister quotes season 6
Tyrion lannister quotes season 6

tyrion lannister quotes season 6

Grossman described the character as "a bitter, cynical, high-born dwarf", calling him "Martin's Falstaff". Tyrion is intelligent, witty, well-read, and shares his father's skill for business and political maneuvering.

tyrion lannister quotes season 6

Tyrion is an actual dwarf, achondroplastic and stubby-limbed, a joke to passersby and an embarrassment to his family. Tyrion isn't a hearty, ax-wielding, gold-mining member of a noble dwarven race. Tyrion is another good example of what separates Tolkien and Martin. Tyrion Lannister the brilliant, black-witted dwarf whose family has had the firmest grip on power for much of the series, though that's not saying much. In contrast to Tywin and Cersei, Jaime has great affection for Tyrion and treats him with kindness, respect, friendship and love. While Tywin bears no affection for Tyrion, he nevertheless feels a sense of duty to his son, raising him in the Lannister fold and extending Tyrion a share of the family wealth. Tyrion's mother, Joanna, died giving birth to him and Tywin and Cersei loathe him because they blame him for her death. While he is afforded the privilege and luxuries of his family, he is treated as a "second class noble" because of his stature. Described as an ugly ("for all the world like a gargoyle"), malformed dwarf with different colored eyes, green and black, Tyrion possesses the white-blond hair of a Lannister but has a complicated relationship with the rest of them. Tyrion's elder sister, Cersei, is the Queen of Westeros by virtue of her marriage to King Robert Baratheon, and Cersei's male twin, Jaime, is one of the Kingsguard, the royal bodyguard. In A Game of Thrones (1996), Tyrion is introduced as the third and youngest child of wealthy and powerful Tywin Lannister, the former Hand of the King, and Joanna Lannister, who dies giving birth to him. He is the only Game of Thrones actor to win an Emmy award and the only actor to receive a nomination for each season.


He won four Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series and a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor in a Series, Miniseries, or Television Film. Dinklage has received widespread critical acclaim for his performance as Tyrion.

tyrion lannister quotes season 6

The popularity of the character led Martin and Bantam Books to publish The Wit & Wisdom of Tyrion Lannister (2013), an illustrated collection of Tyrion quotes from the novels. Tyrion has been called one of the author's finest creations and most popular characters by The New York Times. He is framed for Joffrey's murder and flees Westeros for Essos. When his father returns and takes his position as Hand of the King, Tyrion is compensated with the difficult position of Master of Coin. Tyrion struggles to strengthen and protect the city and family, narrowly winning the Battle of the Blackwater. As a civil war begins, he is sent by Tywin to impose order on the capital as well as serve as his nephew King Joffrey Baratheon's acting Hand of the King in his absence. He soothes his inadequacies with wine, wit and self-indulgence.

tyrion lannister quotes season 6

Tyrion uses his status as a Lannister partly to mitigate the prejudice he has received all of his life, especially from Tywin and his sister, Cersei Lannister. As Tyrion is born a dwarf and his mother died during childbirth, he is resented by Tywin since birth. Tyrion is the youngest child of Lord Tywin Lannister, the patriarch of House Lannister, one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in the fictional continent of Westeros. He is Martin's favorite character in the series. Tyrion developed from a character concept Martin had while writing the 1981 novel Windhaven. He is one of a few prominent characters not included in A Feast for Crows (2005) but returned in A Dance with Dragons (2011), and is confirmed to appear in the forthcoming sixth novel The Winds of Winter. Introduced in A Game of Thrones (1996), Tyrion is a prominent point of view character in the series, having the most viewpoint chapters in the first five published novels. Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones, where he is portrayed by American actor Peter Dinklage. Lord Tyrion Lannister, also known by the nicknames the Halfman or the Imp and the alias Hugor Hill, is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of epic fantasy novels by American author George R.

Tyrion lannister quotes season 6